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Immediately After Treatment
The treatment itself takes less than 10 minutes although you can expect to be in the laser suite for about 20 minutes. Immediately after treatment we apply drops and a bandage contact lens for LASEK - just goggles for LASIK.

Before leaving we provide you with a supply of eye drops, which are to be taken as directed in the immediate post-operative period. LASEK patients can depart the clinic almost immediately after treatment. LASIK patients remain at the clinic slightly longer so that the surgeon can re-examine the eyes post-operatively.

LASIK patients are usually aware of a slight grittiness for the first 24 hours after the treatment. LASEK patients have more discomfort but this eases significantly between 24-48 hours after treatment, please bear in mind the discomfort will not last for long.

We advise you to go directly home, or to the place where you are staying immediately after leaving us, although you will not experience any pain during the procedure, discomfort may begin after the procedure. The best painkiller is to sleep - so if possible go straight to bed for the remainder of the day. Tell family and friends not to wake you.

The Following Days and Weeks

For LASIK: Most LASIK patients have minimal dicomfort and rapid visual recovery, giving a good standard of vision as early as the next morning. You will be seen at the clinic the following day, and then 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months, or as directed by your optometrist.

For LASEK: For patients who have had LASEK, the vision in the treated eye will remain blurred for the first 48 hours or so. The vision then improves but will take longer in higher prescription treatments and patients over 35.

You are advised to re-attend for post treatment check-ups at 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months after the treatment, or as directed by your optometrist.

The importance of following the instructions given regarding medication at these follow up appointments cannot be stressed enough.

Eye Care
The following tips will help you retain healthy eyes:

• Please do not attempt to wear your old contact lenses in your treated eye/s as this may inhibit healing.

• Do not rub our eyes.

• If you work long hours in front of a VDU screen, watch TV a lot or read a great deal, take a few minutes every hour to relax your eyes by looking out a window or into the distance.

• Wash hands before touching your eyes or applying make-up.

Your eyes will be extra light sensitive for 3-6 months following treatment. We strongly recommend protection of your eyes with the use of a pair of UV 400 blocking sunglasses during this period of time.

Ask our staff for information on our list of recommended sunglasses.


Advanced Laser Eye Clinic. Glasgow Aberdeen Ireland.
Tel : 0845 408 5480 | Email :

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