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The Advanced Laser Eye Clinic has invested in the latest laser equipment.

Laser Technology
Our lasers incorporate the latest "Flying Spot" technology. We are able to treat long sighted, short sighted and patients with astigmatism.

Flying Spot lasers also produce a smooth cornea which is thought to give better visual results than the older "Broad-Beam" technology.

In order to ensure that we give accurate and safe treatment our lasers are equipped with eye tracking devices which closely moniter eye movements.

Accurate Diagnosis
Our specially trained optometrists examine all aspects of the eye to determine suitability. We always give a full examination including dilation to allow examination of the health of the back of the eye

Our optometrists have access to Orbscans which is a truly revolutionary instrument for the study of the cornea. Older topography devices only examine the front of the cornea. The Orbscan takes a series of 40 images allowing examination of the front, back and thickness of the whole cornea. This enables our surgeons to more accurately visualise the whole shape of the cornea.


Advanced Laser Eye Clinic. Glasgow Aberdeen Ireland.
Tel : 0845 408 5480 | Email :

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