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What should I do from this point?
After you have received your free information pack, you should then have a comprehensive eye examination by our professional optometrist.. This takes approximately one hour. There is no need to travel great distances or spend nights away from home as this examination can be carried out at any of our clinics in Belfast, Glasgow, or Aberdeen. During this examination the practitioner will put drops in your eyes, this may cause glare and it is strongly advised that you do not drive for 2 or 3 hours after the examination.

Our specially trained optometrists examine all aspects of the eye to determine suitability for treatment. We always give a full examination including dilation of the eye to allow examination of the health of the back of the eye.

This procedure of dilation is not always carried out in other clinics.

All our patients are examined by an Orbscan, which allows the front, back and thickness of the cornea to be measured extremely accurately without ever touching the eye. Older topography devices only measure the front surface of the eye. The Orbscan enables our clinical staff to accurately visualise the whole shape of the cornea.

A free initial consultation is available but to confirm your suitability a full eye examination is required. The cost of this full assessment is £25 and takes approx 1 hour. This cost is deductable from the cost of the treatment

What Next?
If you are a suitable candidate you will be given the opportunity to book for treatments. Prior to any treatment you will meet your surgeon who will carry out a final examination and discuss any queries you have about the procedure. Once you are completely satisfied the treatment will be performed on the same day.

Advanced Laser Eye Clinic. Glasgow Aberdeen Ireland.
Tel : 0845 408 5480 | Email :

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